Warhammer 40 000 Shootas Blood & Teef

The Orks is a bloody race commonly known as the ‘Green Tide’, sweep through the skies with unparalleled force in violent crusades, referred to as Waaagh! Their violence, brutality and brutal nature make them outnumber all other race that could be in their way of destruction.
It’s your turn to be the Ork spearhead when you shoot, smash, and shatter all the way through Luteus Prime. The goal is to shave your hair down and claim revenge against your warlord. Maybe you’ll become the Warboss! What will you learn along the road? There’s never been a better time to be strong!
There’s never enough Dakka Take down your enemies with the most powerful arsenal of weapons and rain destruction down upon their enemies. Nobody can hinder you! This is the perfect method to enjoy large explosions, and flying body parts!
WAAAGH! You can feel the anger and fear build up until it bursts into a raging storm of bullets! Violence begets violence as the immense destruction you cause piles into an unstoppable WAAAGH! Because Orks are built for two factors: fighting… and winning!
Orks Come together! Get your group together to take on those in the Astra Militarum and the Genestealer Cults, and the Space Marines. Or You can simply pound their heads in and choose who the best Ork is in your clan.

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