Circus Electrique was named for the top Victorian steampunk London show, is part narrative driven by RPGs, part tactics that are utterly captivating but with a Steampunk twist.
When everyday Londoners suddenly turn into violent criminals, just the circus’ lineup of Strongmen and firefighters, Blowers, clowns, and others possess the distinctive abilities needed to save the city. Through tactical turn-based battles, the unlikely heroes battle Bobbies British Sailors who have gone bad, aggressive Posh Girls, and other Victorian archetypes in their way – not to mention the occasional scary Mime or Robobear. Ingenious morale systems of devotion within the game influence characters’ performance at battles as well as for show performances. The characters are meticulously supervised within their own heroic excursions across six vast districts.
The Key Features
A pulsing RPG combat
Try out the talents of Strongmen as well as Fire Blowers. Escape Artists, Clowns, and others classic circus performers. 15 archetypes to play Each one with deep choices in combat. Create the perfect combination of acrobatic performers in order to compete against over-the-top enemies.
The Most Amazing Steampunk London Show
Despite the chaos and chaos, the show must continue forward! The circus needs to be rebuilt back to its former glory and above by recruiting most talented performers across the world and teaching the best performers. The quality or lack thereof of any event is decided by the talent of its performers, their chemistry and overall dedication. It is essential to raise all the Shillings you can to support Amelia and to keep everyone happy and well-paid.
A Circus Like No Other
The experience will take you to an fantastical worlds based on Victorian-era archetypes, vintage poster of circuses and steampunk glamour.